Endomeeting 2022

April 1-2, 2022 | DentalClass Endomeeting | Łódź



About Endomeeting 2022

In 2021, despite the challenges posed by the COVID situation, we managed to gather for the 7th edition of ENDOMEETING. We thank you for your patience and understanding regarding a few unexpected changes. We are fully committed to organizing the next edition to ensure that the topics and speakers guarantee the highest standards and encourage you to participate in the ENDOMEETING 2022 conference, which will take place at the Vienna House Andel`s Hotel in Łódź from March 31 to April 2, 2022. A tradition of the Conference is the accompanying Thursday event ENDOSUSHI, which is a charitable pre-congress seminar accompanied by sushi and a glass of wine for everyone.

This year, the ENDOSUSHI seminar is supported by the Dental Master Group, and nine distinguished doctors-lecturers from this group will share their knowledge with you. Endosushi is a charitable event, during which we raise funds to support the beneficiaries of the Lublin Hospice for Children named after the Little Prince. On Friday evening, we invite you to the ENDOPARTY at the SCENOGRAFIA club. A moment of relaxation with pleasant music, delicious food, and excellent company. We will also provide a dance floor and other attractions to make the evening enjoyable after a full day of lectures. Sunday will be dedicated to practical workshops.

Your Next Endo-Speaker

Are you in search of a speaker who can captivate, inspire, and engage your audience? Look no further! With a rich tapestry of experiences, insights, and a passion for sharing knowledge, I am eager to bring a fresh perspective to your next event or congress.

Get in touch